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Sherwood Career and Community Connection FAQs

Whether you are an adult looking for employment supports or a business considering hiring an individual with a disability, the Sherwood Career and Community Connection team is here to support you every step of the way.


Michael organizes and labels the mail before being sent off to the post office. This is one of his many daily tasks.

For Participants:
Do I qualify to have Sherwood support me?

If you are at least 18 years old with a documented disability and have a funding agent for services or a High School transition program, also known as School to Work, then you qualify for Career and Community Connection Services with Sherwood. Below are descriptions of each program we accept referrals from:

  • Developmental Disability Administration (DDA): Long term service supports-Individual Employment and Community Inclusion services

  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) / Disability Services for the Blind (DSB): Short term supports- Independent living, transition, Community Based Assessment, Job Placement, Job retention, Intensive training

  • Foundational Community Supports (FCS): Long/short term supports-Job placement, retention

  • Private Pay clients (PP): Long/short term supports-Individual Employment/Community Inclusion Services​


What if I'm still in High School?

If you are currently in a High School transition program, with a documented disability, your transition coordinator should be able to connect you with the Sherwood Career and Community Connection Program.​​​

How will Sherwood support me in finding a job?

Together, as a team, we will identify your interests and goals, evaluate skills, develop a resume and apply to jobs, and accept the job that is the best fit for your long term success.


Depending on the program you are enrolled in, you may qualify for long-term supports. Below are explanations of services based of the type of program:


DDA/PP Contracts:

These contracts are long-term employment and community inclusion supports.

  • Intake: Employment Specialists will provide a service overview, and go over our Participant Handbook.

  • Discovery: We will work with you to identify job interests, discuss previous work-related experiences,  and create plan with goals and action steps.

  • Assessment: There are several ways to assess your work-related skills. We will explore community-based assessment sites for skill building and work readiness.

  • Job Prep: We will provide travel training and assist in obtaining necessary certifications (e.g., food handler’s card). Our employment Specialists will support you with interviewing skills, resume development, and job applications.

  • Job Development: We will network with local business to find potential jobs and assist in the interview process.

  • Job Coaching: Our Employment Specialists will assist with coordinating transportation and job orientations as well as any required trainings. Our goal is for you to work independently, so we will help identify natural supports on the job-site. 


DVR/DSB Contracts: 

These contracts are short-term employment supports.

  • Community-Based Assessment (CBA): Short-term training at a job site matching your interests to to create tailored employment opportunities. We will provide information on specific skills, technology, and training needs for job readiness.

  • Individualized Technical Assistance: Assess and consult with the client and support system to address employment barriers

  • Independent Living Services: Train in skills for independent living, including money management, accessing health care, social services, transportation, housing, and community programs.

  • High School Transition: We will collaborate with school support teams to identify skills, interests, and career goals. Our Employment Specialists will help with job searching, interview skills, workplace etiquette, resume building, and provide ongoing supports.


Find out more about being a part of Sherwood's Career and Community Connection Program by reading the Participant Handbook.

​Will Sherwood be there at my interviews?

Yes, in most cases, your Employment Specialist will be there to support you at your interview. They will work with you to prepare for the interview before hand as well. They will aide in setting up any necessary accommodations you may need during the interview process. 


What if I don't like my job?

The goal of the Sherwood Career and Community Connection team is to ensure you are in a job that you love and that best fits your goals and needs. The initial discovery process is meant to help find that best fit. If you are unhappy at your job for any reason, it's important to be honest with your job coach. They can either help coach you through why you are unhappy or help you transition into something that is a better fit. 


What if I have more questions?

The Sherwood team is ready to answer any further questions you may have.

Dominique Sherwood, Snohomish County Manager

Angie Ramsey, Island County Manger


Lindsay Raitz, Skagit County Manger



Evyn Hansford San Juan County Manager

For Employers:


Sherwood serves clients with a range of interest and abilities. Sherwood strives to find the best match for the employer and our program members. If you’re interested and want to learn more about our qualified candidates please contact the Program Manager that serves your county.


Myths and Facts:


Will I have to pay the wages of the Employment Specialist?

No. The Employment Specialist is an employee of Sherwood. Their wages and benefits are paid for by Sherwood.


Will it cost me more money to employ an individual with a disability?

No. Sherwood's Career and Community Connection program members are looking for equitable wages and don't require any additional funds from an employer. Most program members are looking for minimal hours/days a week and could fill a part-time need an employer may have. There may also be federal tax credits available to offset part of the individual’s wages in their first year of employment.


What will my customers or other staff think?

By hiring an individual with a disability you are showing the community and your other staff that you respect and prioritize the inclusion of people of all abilities. You are making a difference in the lives of others. An inclusive community is a stronger community. 


​I don’t think I have time for this kind of project.

Our goal is to make great job matches – that means candidates need to fill a need your business has that will benefit your bottom line and your team’s efficiency. Hiring an individual Sherwood supports is a time-saver for your business. You will nurture and grow your new employee just like any other member of your team who is adding to the mission of your organization.


Will I have to make special accommodations?

The American with Disabilities Act states covered entities are required to provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants and employees with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is a change in the way things are typically done that the person needs because of a disability, and can include, among other things, special equipment that allows the person to perform the job, scheduling changes, and changes to the way work assignments are chosen or communicated.


Studies show that 90% of accommodations cost just $100 or less, with 72% of those accommodations associated with NO COST to the employer – these are modifications such as scheduling allowances, job shares, job restructuring, or policy modifications.


Talk to the Sherwood Program Manager in your county if you have specific questions regarding possible accommodations.


Dominique Sherwood, Snohomish County Manager

Angie Ramsey, Island County Manger


Lindsay Raitz, Skagit County Manger



Evyn Hansford San Juan County Manager

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402 91st Avenue NE

Lake Stevens, WA 98258


Phone: (425) 334-4071

Fax: (425) 335-1894



Tax ID# 91-0762805


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