Does your kid LOVE the summer? The sunny, happy weather is a perfect recipe for fun and learning! If your child is either young or still learning to talk, introducing some baby signs to help them talk about their favorite activities may be helpful for them.

Here are a few summer-themed baby signs you can introduce today. We recommend choosing 1-3 signs that you’d like to first introduce to your kiddo.
Bubbles: Model this sign every time you blow bubbles.
Outside: Use this sign when asking your child if they want to go outside or when you are telling them that you are going to go outside.
Water: Water play is so much fun during the summer months. Show your child the water sign every time you play with water.
Ice cream: Who can resist a cold tasty treat on a sunny day? Model this sign before and after you’ve given your child some ice cream.
Sun: When you go outside and see the sun, show your child the sun sign.
Hot: It sure can get warm, even during these Washington summers. You can talk about how it is hot outside using this sign.
Beach: If your family loves trips to the beach, this is a great sign for you.
Happy signing 😊 For more baby signs, check out our previous blog post on beginner baby signs.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, don’t hesitate to start the early intervention process today.